1,372 research outputs found

    Compound orbits break-up in constituents: an algorithm

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    In this paper decomposition of periodic orbits in bifurcation diagrams are derived in unidimensional dynamics system xn+1=f(xn;r)x_{n+1}=f(x_{n};r), being ff an unimodal function. We proof a theorem which states the necessary and sufficient conditions for the break-up of compound orbits in their simpler constituents. A corollary to this theorem provides an algorithm for the computation of those orbits. This process closes the theoretical framework initiated in (Physica D, 239:1135--1146, 2010)

    Experiència artistica i producció cultural, àmbits per a la intervenció socioeducativa

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    La intervenció socioeducativa troba en les activitats artístiques interessants possibilitats per a treballar amb una gran varietat de col·lectius socials. La col·laboració interdisciplinaria entre diferents arees i entre diferents professionals, educadors, treballadors socials, art-terapeutes, pedagogs i artistes dóna lloc a tot el món línies d'investigació i de projectes d'intervenció socioeducativa amb l'art i altres produccions culturals com a protagonistes. Els professionals de la intervenció socioeducativa tenen eines valuoses per al seu treball

    Evaluation of the response to treatment and clinical evolution in patients with burning mouth syndrome

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    Objective: the aim of this study is to investigate the clinical evolution, the spontaneous remission of the symp - tomatology and the response to different treatments in a group of burning mouth syndrome patients. Study Design: the sample was formed by a group of patients that were visited in the Unit of Oral Medicine of the Dentistry Clinic of the University of Barcelona, from the year 2000 to 2011. After revising the clinical records of all the patients that had been under control for a period of time of 18 months or longer, they were contacted by telephone. In the telephone interview, they were questioned about the symptomatology evolution and the response to the treatments received, noting down the data in a questionnaire previously performed. Results: the average duration of the symptoms was 6.5 years (+/-2.5 years). The most frequent treatments were: chlorhexidine mouthrinses, oral benzodiazepines, topical clonazepam, antiinflamatory drugs, antidepressants, antifungicals, vitamins, psycotherapy, salivary substitutes and topical corticoids. The specialists that were con - sulted with a higher frequency were: dermatologists (30%), othorrynolaringologists (10%) and psychiatrists (3%). In 41 patients the oral symptoms did not improve, 35 reported partial improvements, 12 patients worsened, and only in 3 patients the symptoms remitted. Conclusions: In three of the 91 patients studied the symptoms remitted spontaneously within the five years of treatment. Only 42% of the study population had improved the symptomatology significantly, and this improvement would reach 60% if clonazepam were associated to psychotherap

    Qualidade de vida em mulheres climatéricas que trabalham no sistema sanitário e educativo

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    The objective of this study was to determine the association between the professional activity and the perceived quality of life in climacteric women who work in Health and Education. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was developed in a sample of 203 climacteric women, together with a correlation analysis of labor factors influence on health-related quality of life. Significant differences were found between working womens quality of life and some labor conditions. The perceived quality of life in perimenopausal women who work in Education is higher than that of those working in Health (p=0.004). Nursing professionals can develop health programs that deal with the work conditions that negatively influence the perceived quality of life in climacteric women.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la asociación entre la actividad profesional y la calidad de vida percibida en mujeres climatéricas que trabajan en las áreas sanitaria y educativa. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, en una muestra de 203 mujeres climatéricas, junto al análisis correlacional de la influencia de los factores laborales en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la calidad de vida de las trabajadoras y algunas condiciones laborales. La calidad de vida percibida por las mujeres perimenopáusicas que trabajan en educación es superior a la de las que trabajan en salud (p=0,004). Los profesionales de Enfermería pueden elaborar programas de salud, que aborden las condiciones de trabajo que influyen negativamente en la calidad de vida percibida por las mujeres climatéricas.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a associação entre a atividade profissional e a qualidade de vida percebida em mulheres climatéricas que trabalham nas áreas da saúde e educação. Realizou-se estudo descritivo e transversal, numa amostra de 203 mulheres climatéricas, juntamente com análise correlacional da influência dos fatores de trabalho na qualidade de vida, relacionada à saúde. Encontraram-se diferenças significativas entre a qualidade de vida das trabalhadoras e algumas variáveis laborais. A qualidade de vida percebida pelas mulheres perimenopáusicas que trabalham na área da educação é superior à daquelas que trabalham na área da saúde (p=0,004). Os profissionais de enfermagem podem elaborar programas de saúde que abordem as condições de trabalho que influenciam negativamente a qualidade de vida percebida pelas mulheres climatéricas

    Ámbitos de docencia, investigación y promociòn del área de formación en educación artística de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Barcelona

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    El área de Educación Artística, o con más propiedad de formación en Educación Artística, de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Barcelona, evoluciona y se amplía a partir de su núcleo inicial, la cátedra de Pedagogía del Dibujo que pasará más tarde a denominarse Pedag ogía del Arte. Esta asignatura obligatoria desde el principio en todos los planes curriculares para los estudios de Bellas Artes, pasa a constituirse (ya en el marco de la Licenciatura a partir del 1978 en la Universitat de Barcelona) en un permanente y só lido marco promotor de actividades de formación, investigación y promoción que ha dado lugar a la configuración actual del área. L'àrea d'Educació Artística, o amb més propietat de formació en Educació Artística, de la Facultat de Belles Arts de Barcelona, evoluciona i s'amplia a partir del seu nucli inicial, la càtedra de Pedagogia del Dibuix que passarà més tard a denominar Pedag ogia l'Art. Aquesta assignatura obligatòria des del principi en tots els plans curriculars per als estudis de Belles Arts, passa a constituir-se (ja en el marc de la Llicenciatura a partir del 1978 a la Universitat de Barcelona) en un permanent i só lid marc promotor d'activitats de formació, investigació i promoció que ha donat lloc a la configuració actual de l'àrea

    Erectile Dysfunction Associated with Cardiovascular Risk Factors

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    Objectives: (1) Determine erectile dysfunction (ED) prevalence in patients with cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF). (2) Assess ED incidence in relation to the extent of controlling CVRF. Methodology: Patients: Enrolled participants came to the health centres in the study area. In accordance with the incidence of diseases with cardiovascular risks (CVR) in the Basic Health Regions of the study area, sample size was calculated with a 95% confidence interval and an alpha error of 0.005, resulting in a sample of 210 people, of which 30 could not complete the study for various reasons (change of address, death, refused to complete questionnaire, etc.). A full awareness and diffusion campaign was organized with talks and leaflets. Letters: A standard letter was given to patients which explained the importance of sexual health, offering them an appointment with a DUE (Diploma in Nursing) survey taker. The questionnaire was devised by the research group and was given by a fully trained DUE survey taker. Previously, contact was made with all the health centres, physicians and nursing staff to give them information on ED and CVRF and to inform them about the work to be done in their health region. Those patients who did not come to the appointment were telephoned to insist on the importance of attending and completing the questionnaire. Variables analysis: We analysed age, level of education, civil status, height, weight and body mass index (BMI), SBP, DBP, smoking habit, number cigarettes/day, year smoking began, ex‐smoker, year smoking stopped, alcohol consumption, grams alcohol/week, as well as consumption of other drugs, frequency and type. Blood test: glucose, haemoglobin glycated haemoglobin, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, artherogenic index, creatinine, urea, GOT, GPT, gamma‐GT and PSA. Urine test: micro‐albuminuria, proteinuria and creatinine clearance. ECG: Diabetes diagnosed at least 1 year ago and prescribed drugs to treat it. High blood pressure diagnosed at least 1 year ago and prescribed drugs to treat it. Dyslipidaemia (hypercholesterolaemia) diagnosed at least 1 year ago and prescribed drugs to treat it. Concomitant diseases of at least 1 year and drugs (up to 3) SHIM questionnaire and ED according to SHIM. Statistical analysis: an observational, descriptive, analytical, cross‐sectional study. Qualitative variables are presented as exact values and a percentage; quantitative variables as the mean and standard deviation (SD). A means comparison was done with the Student’s t‐test for independent groups, or the Mann‐Whitney U test if normality conditions (using the Kolmogorov‐Smirnoff or Shapiro‐Wilks test) were not fulfilled. The chi‐squared test was used for qualitative variables. Results: Of the 210 selected people, 179 completed the questionnaire (85.2%). The mean age was 64.5 ± 11.6 years. When analysing all the study variables in relation to the main variable, presence or absence of ED, age played an important role in ED appearing as ED incidence rises with age. Blood pressure had no significant relationship with the studied variable, and the same hold for BMI and its subdivision into normal weight and obesity. As regards toxic habits, neither cigarette smoking nor alcohol consumption influenced the presence of ED. The same hold for the sociological‐type variables (civil states, level of education). Regarding the biochemical variables from blood tests, a significant relationship with the atherogenic index and its recoded variable at high and low atherogenic risk (p < 0.04) was noted. In the glycaemic profile, a glycaemia mean of 126 mg/dl was obtained in the ED presence group, which is the cut‐off point proposed by ADA117 (American Diabetes Association) to consider a subject diabetic. Likewise, glycated haemoglobin presented figures in the two groups can be considered an alternation of a practically diabetic glucose metabolism. In our study, the presence of diabetic disease, high blood pressure (HBP) and dyslipidaemia showed no significant relationship with ED presence for each disease. However, in the combination of these diseases, a statistically significant relationship was seen when CVR increases, according to the Framinghan tables. Neither did each disease’s duration show a significant relationship with ED presence nor significant differences for the drugs used to treat the three pathologies were found. The coronary risk calculated according to the Framinghan tables indicated a statistically significant result, as did excessive risk (the difference between the coronary risk and the average assigned per age) for ED presence. The LISAT 8 test suggested that ED affected health‐associated quality of life and was statistically significant in two items of sex life and economic situation and was borderline statistically significant in the general life and working life items. Conclusions: There is a high ED prevalence in patients with high CVR. When ED improves, the better CVRFs are controlled. These patients’ pluripathology implies aggressive polymedication which doctors must consider as it increases the risk of ED

    Estudio de una muestra de pacientes con síndrome de boca ardiente

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    El síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) es una enfermedad que, a pesar de conocerse desde hace muchos años, sigue planteando problemas de diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se manifiesta clínicamente como sensación de ardor o escozor en alguna zona de la mucosa oral, no existiendo ninguna lesión que pueda justificar dicha sintomatología. Se presenta fundamentalmente en mujeres postmenopáusicas, que suelen presentar sus molestias durante periodos prolongados. El ardor bucal puede acompañarse de otras alteraciones sensitivas, como sensación de sequedad o alteraciones gustativas. Objetivos: Estudiar una muestra de pacientes con SBA y describir los factores epidemiológicos, las enfermedades que padecen y los fármacos que consumen. Pacientes y métodos: La muestra estaba formada por 83 pacientes que consultaban en la clínica odontológica por ardor bucal. Se efectuó en todos ellos una historia clínica detallada y se registraron todas las características en una hoja de protocolo. Resultados: El 90,4% de los pacientes de nuestro estudio eran mujeres y sólo el 9,6% eran hombres. La media de edad de la muestra fue de 64,9 años. Todos los pacientes presentaban ardor en la lengua y el 64% lo presentaban en los labios. La mayoría de los pacientes estudiados (76%) presentaban una evolución de más de 12 meses, mientras que los de menos de 6 meses únicamente llegaban al 6%. De los 83 pacientes estudiados, 52 presentaban trastornos psicológicos (63%) y más de la mitad de ellos consumía algún fármaco psicoactivo. Conclusiones: Nuestra muestra de pacientes es equiparable a las descritas en otros estudios. El SBA predomina en mujeres postmenopáusicas, que presentan con gran frecuencia ansiedad y/o depresión

    Manifestaciones orales secundarias al tratamiento oncológico: pautas de actuación odontológica

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    El tratamiento del cáncer se basa en la administración de quimiorradioterapia asociada a cirugía, en función del tipo y estadiaje del tumor. La mayor parte de fármacos antineoplásicos actúan de manera indiscriminada sobre las células de la capa basal del epitelio, alterando su capacidad de renovación. Esto conlleva la aparición de una serie de efectos secundarios tanto locales como sistémicos entre los que destacarían: la mielosupresión, la mucositis, las náuseas y vómitos y la alopecia. Asimismo, la administración de determinados citostáticos implica una mayor incidencia y gravedad de estas complicaciones. La afectación de la cavidad bucal en forma de mucositis, es uno de los efectos secundarios más frecuentes del tratamiento oncológico, afectando en ocasiones su calidad de vida. Actualmente no existen protocolos estandarizados para tratar los efectos secundarios bucales de la quimiorradioterapia, aunque se han publicado algunas normas de actuación. En este trabajo se resumirán algunas pautas odontológicas para su manejo

    Metabolomic assays of amoxicillin, cephapirin and ceftiofur in chicken muscle. Application to treated chicken samples by liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    The aim of this study was to identity metabolites and transformation products (TPs) in chicken muscle from amoxicillin (AMX), cephapirin (PIR) and ceftiofur (TIO), which are antibiotics of the β-lactam family. Liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight (QqTOF) mass spectrometry was utilized due to its high resolution, high mass accuracy and MS/MS capacity for elemental composition determination and structural elucidation. Amoxicilloic acid (AMA) and amoxicillin diketopiperazine (DKP) were found as transformation products from AMX. Desacetylcephapirin (DAC) was detected as a metabolite of PIR. Desfuroylceftiofur (DFC) and its conjugated compound with cysteine (DFC-S-Cys) were detected as a result of TIO in contact with chicken muscle tissue. The metabolites and transformation products were also monitored during the in vivo AMX treatment and slaughtering period. It was found that two days were enough to eliminate AMX and associated metabolites/transformation products after the end of administration

    Darbepoetin Versus Epoetin Alfa for the Correction of Anemia in Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Treatment

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    Introduction Anemia is the most frequent hematological disturbance in cancer patients, with prevalence between 30% and 90%, depending on the type of tumor, the antitumor treatment, and other factors (infection, malnutrition, bleeding, tumor infiltration of the bone marrow). A number of erythropoietic agents have shown to be effective in increasing the hemoglobin (Hb) levels, reducing the requirements for transfusion, and improving quality of life. The objective of this study is to compare darbepoetin alfa and epoetin alfa when used to correct anemia in cancer patients who are receiving radiotherapy or radiochemotherapy. Material and methods A prospective study of 125 consecutive patients with anemia (Hb < 13 g/dL in males or < 12 g/dL in females) who were undergoing treatment with radiotherapy (RT) or radiochemotherapy (RCT) in our department were enrolled between March 2003 and March 2005. The treatment for the anemia was either darbepoetin alfa 150 mcg/week (62 patients, group 1) or epoetin alfa 40,000 IU/week (63 patients, group 2). Patients received iron supplements in both groups. Treatment was administered in a consecutive manner depending on tumor type. If the increase in Hb was < 1 g/dL after 4 weeks of treatment, the dose was increased to 300 mcg/week in group 1 or to 60,000 IU/week in group 2. The treatment was terminated when a Hb value of ≥ 15 g/dL was reached during RT treatment, a Hb value of ≥ 14 g/dL was reached if the RT had been completed, or after 16 weeks of treatment whatever the Hb value. The mean age of patients was 63.36 ± 11.27 years, 67% were male. No significant differences were observed between the 2 groups in tumor type or stage, previous treatments, or intent to treat with RT or RCT. Results Comparing group 1 and group 2 by intent to treat, the mean Hb at the start of treatment with the study drug was 12.1 g/dL vs 11.8 g/dL, the proportion of patients whose dose was increased was19.7% vs 24.6%, the need for transfusion was 3.2% in each group, the duration of erythropoietic treatment was 6.5 weeks in both groups, and 2 patients in group 2 restarted treatment with epoetin alfa. The percentage of patients who responded (defined as an increase in the Hb ≥ 2 g/dL in the absence of transfusions) was of 72.6% and 66.7%, respectively. Four vascular adverse events were observed, 2 in each group. No significant differences were observed with respect to the baseline, week 4, and week 12 levels of endogenous erythropoietin, serum iron,% saturation, and ferritin. The increase in Hb 1 month after the final administration of the study drug was 2.21 g/dL in group 1 and 2.46 g/dL in group 2 (p = ns). Conclusions The results of our study demonstrate that both treatments are equally effective in correcting anemia in cancer patients undergoing RT or RCT